5+ Best Long Sword Builds in Monster Hunter Now (MH Now)

Want to be the best Long Sword user in Monster Hunter Now? We’ve got the best strategies and gear combinations to make you a monster-slaying pro!

Learn how to maximize your damage and take down those beasts with ease. Click here to discover the secrets of Long Sword mastery and become a legend in the world of Monster Hunter Now!

1. Best Build Armor for Long Sword Players MH Now (Before Anjanath)

best long sword builds in monster hunter now

The Long Sword is a flashy weapon that has a counter move when sheathed. It deals significant damage from a distance, without requiring too much commitment. Its special attack is also strong.

Here are some armor sets for Long Sword weapons created from the largest Monsters in Monster Hunter Now.

ArmorSkill and Grade
Kulu Ya-Ku HelmetG2 Lock On 1, G4 Critical Eye 1
Leather MailG2 Attack Boost, G4 Fire Resistance
Great Girros VambracesG2 Sneak Attack1 , G6 Earplugs 1
Leather CoilG2 Health Boost 1, G4 Water Resistance
Kulu Ya-Ku GreavesG2 Critical Eye 1, G6 Critical Eye 2

2. Best Build Armor for Long Sword Players MH Now (Mid Game)

Especially for those of you who have defeated Anjanath monsters before the Diablos monsters.

Here are some armor sets for longsword weapons created from the largest Monsters in Monster Hunter Now.

Kulu Ya-Ku Helmet
Anjanath Mail
Kulu- Ya- Ku Vambraces
Great Jagras Coil
Kulu Ya-Ku Greaves

3. Best Build Armor for Long Sword Players MH Now (End Game)

When you have defeated the Rathalos monster. Here are some armor sets for longsword weapons created from the largest Monsters in Monster Hunter Now

Kulu Ya-Ku Helmet
Rathalos Mail
Kulu- Ya- Ku Vambraces
Anjanath Coil
Kulu Ya-Ku Greaves

4. Best Long Sword Weapons in Monster Hunter Now

Here are some recommendations for long sword weapons in the monster hunter now game:

Weapon ChoiceMonsterDescription
First Dance Kulu YakuThe most powerful Long Sword that has a high raw stat and increased affinity. A reliable option for advancing.
Wyvern Blade RathianThis is a good choice if you don’t want to use a Kulu weapon. It’s slightly less powerful, but not by much.
Pulsar Shotel Tobi-KadachiThis is the only Long Sword that has the Thunder element. It is not very impressive, but it can be useful against monsters that are weak to Thunder.
Jyura Shotel JyuratodusThis is the Water Long Sword, which has impressive stats and is suitable for fighting monsters that are vulnerable to Water.
Glacial Shotel LegianaThis is the only Long Sword that has the Ice element. It has great stats and is mainly used for fighting Diablos, a monster that is weak to Ice.
Wyvern Blade RathalosThe superior Fire Long Sword with more impressive stats than Amanath. A recommended choice for fire matchups without any compelling reason to opt for another weapon.

5. Best Elemental Sets for Longsword in Monster Hunter Now

Element becomes essential once you reach the 8-star or 9-star content. Monsters in these levels have absurdly high attack requirements that only Element can help you meet.

For instance, a 9-star Legiana demands over 2400 Attack! Don’t worry, though, you don’t need to focus on it right away. Raw will still work for a while.

Elemental SetMonsterHeadpieceMailVambracesCoilGreaves
Fire LS RathalosAnja Helm (Grade 4)Rathalos Mail (Grade 6)Anja Vambraces (Grade 6)Rathalos Coil (Grade 6)Kulu Greaves (Grade 6)
Water LS JyuratodusKulu Headpiece (Grade 4)Jyura Mail (Grade 3)Jyura Vambraces (Grade 6)Rathalos Coil (Grade 5)Jagras Greaves (Grade 6)
Thunder LS ZinogreKulu Helm (Grade 4)Rathalos Mail (Grade 6)Zinogre Vambraces (Grade 6)Kadachi Coil (Grade 6)Zinogre Greaves (Grade 6)
Ice LS LegianaKulu Headpiece (Grade 4)Barioth Mail (Grade 6)Barioth Vambraces (Grade 6)Legiana Coil (Grade 5)Rathalos Greaves (Grade 6)

So that’s information about best Long Sword for Monster Hunter Now. I hope this helps as a reference.

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