The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening

Looking for the best way to combine characters and gear in Metal Slug Awakening? We’ve got you covered!

Metal Slug Awakening is a super fun game where you control awesome characters and vehicles to blast through enemies.

Want to build the strongest team and dominate?

You’ve come to the right place! This article breaks down the best combinations of characters and equipment so you can create unstoppable combos heroes and take over the game!

1. Eva Glenn

metal slug awakening eva combo
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 12

The first Metal Slug Awakening build features Eva Glenn as the primary Firepower or DPS hero, paired with Gru Kang and Nadia Cassel as Warfare or Support heroes.

HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
Eva GlennSniperSilenceFolding TimerWound
Gru KangShotgun, Flame ShotFallwalkerKing of BoxingIgnite
Nadia CasselFreeze GunCongaMagic SweetyFreeze

In fact, for the Core, you can use several cores related to Gru Kang’s weapons.

So, you don’t always have to follow the guide, as long as the damage output is maximized.

For more details on this build, you can watch the following video.

2. Lyla

lyla combo heros metal slug awakening
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 13
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
LylaGatling (alt HMG)Hairbuster RibertsPuffer ShooterWeak
Tarma RovingBazookaFallwalkerAmmo CollectorWound
Nadia CasselShotgun, Flame ShotCongaMagic SweetyIgnite

3. Trevor

build metal slug awakening trevor
build metal slug awakening trevor
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
TrevorShotgunSEA SatanAssault FrontIgnite
HaranFreeze GunFallwalkerRed Ice CompoundFreeze
Nadia CasselHMG, GatlingFallwalkerMagic SweetyWeak

4. Trevor with Kukik

build metal slug awakening trevor kukik
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 14
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
TrevorShotgunSEA SatanAssault FrontIgnite
HaranFreeze GunFallwalkerRed Ice CompoundFreeze
KukikHMG, Gatling, Saw LauncherJoint Operation 2Beast Spirit MarkWeak

5. Scarlett

build metal slug awakening scarlett
build metal slug awakening scarlett
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
ScarlettSniperHYDETactical RacketWound
Gru KangFlame Shot, ShotgunFallwalkerKing of BoxingIgnite
Nadia CasselHMG, GatlingFallwalkerMagic SweetyWeak

6. Violet

metal slug awakening violet
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 15
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
VioletBazookaHYDEHunting Double ShooterWound
Gru KangFlame Shot, ShotgunFallwalkerKing of BoxingIgnite
Nadia CasselFreeze GunCongaMagic SweetyFreeze

7. Saya with Trevor, Lyla and Scarlett

metal slug awakening saya combo
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 16

HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
SayaFreeze GunFallwalkerSaya 1Freeze

8. Eiserner

eiserner combo heroes build metal slug awakening
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
SayaLaser GunBlack Hound Core, Steel Sentinel CoreObsidian SealFreeze

9. Alessio

alessio combo hero build metal slug awakening
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 17
HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
AlessioTerra ShrillBig Shiee Bomb CoreReturn of the Red HawkWound
HaranFreezeFallwalkerRed Ice CompundFreeze
NadiaRagewingJoint Operation 1Magic SweetyWeak

10. Ame Sky

ame sky and lilith metal slug awakening build combo
The Top 11 Builds for Combo Characters in Metal Slug Awakening 18

HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
AmeChainbladeUnyielding Warior CoreATK WING RUNEIgnite
KukikBowCore Kukik 1Flaming ArrowWeak
LilithFission GunJoin Operation 3Control CentreWound

11. Marco

HeroWeapon RecommendationCore RecommendationAccessories RecommendationDebuff
MarcoHMG, GatlingDragon NosukeTriple ThunderboltWeak
FioBazooka, SniperSilence CoreTime to ShareWound
EriShotgun, Flame ShotSpace TankDexterous CoreIgnite

Metal Slug: Awakening Best Characters Tier List

Tier Characters
SLyla, Scarlett, Marco Rossi
ATrevor, Eva Glenn, Eri, Nadia Cassel, Fio Germi
BTarma, Violet, Gru Kang

Metal Slug: Awakening Best Weapons Tier List

Tier Weapons
SSky Ripper, Eclipse, Moltor
ARagewing, Star Slayer, Howler
BIce Bound, Blade Saw Launcher
CPeace Slammer

That is the information on building the best hero combo in Metal Slug Awakening. Remember, you don’t have to strictly follow the guide above.

Also Read:  How to Play Multiplayer In Metal Slug Awakening (Co Op)

Each account or character will undoubtedly receive different weapon and character gacha items. Hopefully, this can serve as a reference for you.

source image build:

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Fathurrahman is a writer and blogger at He has written many articles about technology for 5 years. Fathurrahman is driven by a desire to help others understand technology. He makes complex concepts easy to understand, making technology accessible to a wider audience. His articles are engaging narratives that help readers understand the digital world. Fathurrahman is also an active member of the tech community, sharing knowledge and insights with other enthusiasts and experts. Linkedin